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Человек на дереве
Пишет AntiBiV, 08.07.2018 в 23:55
(посмотреть профиль, читать другие записи жильца)
Поэкспериментировал со звуком. Записывал на телефон, да ещё и петь пока умею плохо, но решил поделиться.
Away from time
Away from feel
Away from shy
Away from fear
I'll run away
from memory
and I'll adorn
the Christmas tree.
And children's joy
will wash my eyes
because their choice
is paradise.
And then they'll go
to merry homes
away from cold
away from false.
When I was young
and innocent
there was so fun
to tease the man
who hung on branch
of festive spruce.
I didn't know
how close to lose.
And now I'm whispering
to the space.
I try to find
a magic place
where I'll be far
away from feel,
away from harm,
away from fear.
Away from time
Away from tree
Away from shy
Away from me
Away from body
and from soul
Away from Father
and from Son
Away from doubt
Away from faith
Away from cruel
I will away from
all the world
and I'll come back
if there's no cold.
Делится ссылкой: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/54rY/6vykiBDXV
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